Is it possible to train an aggressive Crested Gecko?

Short Answer: While crested geckos are generally docile, aggressive behavior can be managed through understanding and patience rather than traditional “training.”

First of all, Crested Geckos are not typically “aggressive” in the way other animals might be.

They are naturally shy and cautious creatures, and their “aggressive” behavior often stems from fear or stress.

So, instead of “training” them, the goal should be to build their trust and confidence, making them feel safe and comfortable in your presence.

First pay attention to reducing stress:

  • Provide proper husbandry: Ensure the gecko’s enclosure meets their temperature, humidity, and hiding needs. Offer plenty of clutter and climbing opportunities to make them feel secure.
  • Minimize handling: Only handle them when necessary, like during tank cleaning or vet visits. Start with brief sessions and gradually increase the duration as they tolerate it better. Always handle them gently and calmly.
  • Avoid sudden movements: When interacting with them, move slowly and deliberately to avoid startling them.

And the most important thing is, try to build positive associations.

Use tongs at first, then gradually transition to hand-feeding once they’re comfortable. 

This creates a positive association between you and food.

It takes time and patience to build trust with a crested gecko. Don’t force interactions, and respect their boundaries. Positive reinforcement will go much further than any form of punishment.

Hope this helps…


Q: Why is my crested gecko suddenly aggressive?

Several factors can contribute to sudden aggression in crested geckos.

It could be due to stress from handling, an inadequate environment, underlying health issues, or even hormonal changes during breeding season.

Q: How long does it take for an aggressive crested gecko to calm down?

The time it takes for a gecko to become less aggressive varies depending on the individual and the root cause of the behavior.

With consistent effort and patience, you can build trust and reduce aggression over time.

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