Why is my Crested Gecko Not Eating?

Why is my Crested Gecko Not Eating

Crested geckos can become inactive and refuse food for several reasons. Here’s a breakdown… Immediate Concerns First, check the temperature! Is their enclosure too warm or too cold? Ideal temperatures are 72-78°F (22-25°C) during the day, with a slight drop at night. Incorrect temperatures can drastically affect their metabolism. Also, check for any sign of Dehydration. Is … Read more

Can you wake Crested Gecko during the day?

Can you wake Crested Gecko during the day

Yes, you can wake your crested gecko during the day, but it cannot be frequent. Maybe once every few days? They are nocturnal creatures, meaning they’re naturally active at night and sleep during the day. So when you wake them up in the day, it can mess with their natural sleep cycle and lead to … Read more

Can I Only Feed My Baby Crested Gecko Commercial Food?

Can I Only Feed My Baby Crested Gecko Commercial Food

Yes, you can primarily feed your baby crested gecko commercial diets like Pangea and Repashy. But it’s not ideal to rely solely on them. While these diets are formulated to be nutritionally complete, offering some variety with live insects provides several benefits. Here’s the breakdown: 1) Variety is key Baby crested geckos need a balanced … Read more

Why Is My Crested Gecko Not Shedding?

Why Is My Crested Gecko Not Shedding

Short Answer: Your crested gecko might not be shedding due to improper humidity levels, lack of rough surfaces for rubbing against, or underlying health issues. Crested geckos shed their skin as a natural process of replacing old and dead skin cells with new ones. It’s associated with the growth of the gecko. So, if your … Read more

Why does my Crested Gecko always want to get out?

Why does my Crested Gecko always want to get out

Your crested gecko’s desire to escape its enclosure is often rooted in its natural instincts and behaviors, such as exploration, foraging for food, and seeking a mate. However, it can also be triggered by factors like boredom, stress, or unsuitable habitat conditions. It’s pretty normal! Several factors could contribute to your gecko’s constant desire to … Read more

Do’s and Dont’s with Crested Geckos (Care List)

Do’s and Dont’s with Crested Geckos (Care List)

Crested geckos are wonderful pets with relatively simple care, but it’s really important to know the right practices for their health and happiness. Here’s a breakdown of the do’s and don’ts of crested gecko care: DO’S DON’TS Hope this helps… FAQs Q: What do crested geckos eat? Crested geckos are primarily frugivorous, meaning their diet … Read more