If your crested gecko has escaped its enclosure, you need to act fast and start looking for it as soon as possible.
Crested geckos are nocturnal and can hide very well, which can make them hard to spot.
They are also sensitive to dehydration and temperature changes, which can put them at risk of harm or death.
In this article, I will walk you through the process of finding your lost crested gecko in 5 easy-to-follow ways.
Let’s move on…
Step 1) Search in the dark and use a flashlight

Crested geckos are more active and visible at night, so you have a better chance of finding them in the dark.
Use a flashlight to scan the room and look for your gecko’s eyes or body.
Crested geckos have reflective eyes that can shine in the dark, and their colors can contrast with the background.
So, be careful not to shine the light directly into your gecko’s eyes, as this can scare or blind it.
Step 2) Look in warm, dark, and humid places

Crested geckos prefer warm, dark, and humid places to hide and seek shelter. They can climb on walls, ceilings, furniture, curtains, or plants.
They can also squeeze into cracks, crevices, corners, or behind objects.
Some common places where you might find your gecko are under the bed, behind the dresser, in the closet, in the bathroom, or in the kitchen.
Check every possible place and move things around gently and slowly to avoid startling or injuring your gecko.
Step 3) Set up traps and bait

If you can’t find your gecko by searching, you can try to lure it back with traps and bait.
Make a simple trap by cutting a hole in a plastic container and placing some food, water, and paper towels inside.
You can also use a glue trap or a sticky trap, but make sure to cover the sticky part with paper towels or plastic wrap to prevent your gecko from getting stuck.
Place the traps near the enclosure or in the areas where you think your gecko might be. You can use crickets, mealworms, fruit, or crested gecko diet as bait.
Check the traps regularly and be patient
Step 4) Ask for help and spread the word
You don’t have to search for your gecko alone.
Ask for help from your family, friends, neighbors, or pet store staff. They can help you look for your gecko, set up traps, or provide advice.
You can also spread the word about your missing pet by posting flyers, ads, or messages on social media, online forums, or local groups.
Just kidding, LoL
You never know who might have seen or found your gecko and can help you reunite with it.
How to Prevent Your Crested Gecko from Getting Lost Again
If you have found your crested gecko, congratulations!
You must be very relieved and happy. However, you don’t want to go through the same ordeal again.
First of all, make sure that he is not hiding in his enclosure. He may be scared and tried to hide from the new environment. Or he may have crawled out of the room and gotten lost.
To prevent your crested gecko from getting lost again, you should:
- Secure the enclosure: Make sure that the enclosure is secure and that there are no gaps or holes that your gecko can escape through.
- Create a safe environment: Crested geckos are arboreal creatures and love to climb. Make sure that there are plenty of hiding spots and climbing opportunities in the enclosure.
- Handle with care: When handling your crested gecko, make sure that you do so gently and carefully. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle your gecko and cause him to jump out of your hands.
And most importantly, monitor the temperature!
Crested geckos require a specific temperature range to thrive.
Make sure that the temperature in the enclosure is within the recommended range and that there are no sudden fluctuations in temperature.