Are Crested Geckos Endangered?


Crested geckos are a species of lizard that belong to the family Diplodactylidae. They are native to New Caledonia, a group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, and named after the crest of skin that runs from their eyes to their tail. But the real question is how endangered are these amazing animals in … Read more

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Handling Your Crested Gecko


Crested geckos are sensitive creatures, and improper handling can lead to stress and even injury. But yet, too many owners made some serious mistakes while handling them that sometimes led their gecko to death! In this article, I’ll cover some of the common mistakes that people typically make and why you must avoid these mistakes … Read more

Why Is My Crested Gecko Aggressive and Biting


If your crested gecko is biting you or being really aggressive, it means he might be either in hunting mode or feeling stressed and scared of you. But there are other reasons to consider as well. In this article, we’ll explore why your gecko behaves aggressively and bites you. Let’s get started. Key Takeaways: Stress … Read more

How Often Do Crested Geckos Poop


One of the aspects of crested gecko care that many owners are curious about is their poop. How often do crested geckos poop, and what does it mean for their health and well-being? In this article, I will discuss these questions and provide some tips on how to clean and maintain their enclosure. Let’s dive … Read more

Do Crested Geckos Need UVB?


UVB light is a type of ultraviolet radiation that is invisible to the human eye, but essential for many reptiles. It helps reptiles to produce vitamin D3 in their skin, which is necessary for absorbing and using calcium from their diet. But what about crested geckos? Do they need UVB light as well? In this … Read more